All About Ava!

Sunday, February 24

One long weekend!

So, I am finally back and happy to report that Pat and I made it through registering at Target just fine! Since the weather was so bad on Thursday night, there was literally no one in the store and we got in and got our stuff done and got out! That doesn't happen too often :) I gave in and let Pat put a few things on the registry that he wanted - like a camo diaper bag and a jogger stroller! That made him very happy!

I had quite the encounter with my toaster oven this weekend - weird, I know! I baked homemade mini chocolate chip cookies on Friday - by the way, they turned out awesome - and I decided to store them in a big ziploc bag on the counter for easy access. When I was all done baking, I wiped up the kitchen counters and I guess I put the ziploc bag on top of the toaster oven so I could wipe up and forgot to put the cookies back down on the counter. Saturday morning I got up and decided a bagel with cream cheese sounded lovely, so I popped one in the toaster oven and set it and basically forgot about it. While it was toasting, I went and checked my email...not a very good idea. I heard the buzzer go off so I went into the kitchen and there was smoke coming out of the toaster, the bagel was black, and to top it all off the bag of cookies had begun to melt to the top of the toaster oven! Wow - I officially have "baby brain" or "mushy brain syndrome" as I like to call it! Moral of the story - pregnant women should only try to do one thing at a time! Multi-tasking is not as easy anymore ;) The good news, though, is the cookies were fine! Thank God! I pulled the bag off immediately - knowing that my bagel had no hope I decided to save the cookies first thing! I just had to put them in a new bag since this one had a whole eaten through it. Ha. After the toaster oven incident, Pat and I got to work painting 2 rooms and a hallway in our house...big job, but we got it all done this weekend! The kitchen is next, then off to the baby room we go to start on the nursery. We are making progress. Thank goodness for handy husbands. I don't know what I would do without him sometimes. Painting is probably one of the things I despise the most, so Pat pretty much took the lead on this project...just like all the other ones! What a difference a fresh coat of paint makes. Wow. He even decided that he'd make me dinner tonight since it had been such a long day and I needed to sit for a minute. It was a yummy dinner too. Man, I love him!

Well, that's all for now. I'll be back soon with more funny pregnant stories. I have attached the latest "belly" picture that we have taken. I am 22 weeks now and the belly isn't getting any smaller!! I can't wait to attach photos of our cute little baby girl instead of my growing belly!! LOL.


At February 25, 2008 at 4:35 PM , Blogger Sarah Corbett said...

Oh! Your belly is beautiful! :) I'm glad you survived the toaster fiasco.

At February 28, 2008 at 11:25 AM , Blogger Bonjubon's Weimaraners said...

Are you sure this wouldn't happen anyway, even if you were not pregnant? LOL!!!! Just kidding, but you are blonde!!!! Pregnancy is the excuse, now, hmmmm....LOL.
But we all do these things from time to time, don't we girls? I left a pot on the stove cooking once, and went shopping....guess what I found when I returned home? What a horrible mess that was!

At February 28, 2008 at 11:27 AM , Blogger Bonjubon's Weimaraners said...

You do have a very pretty belly, and Patrick is a great hubby. He takes good care of you. I can just see him jogging with her, now!


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