All About Ava!

Tuesday, March 11

Long time comin'

OK, for those of you that have been checking my blog regularly only to find that I suck at keeping up with this - I'm sorry! I have lots to update on, I'm sure, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum :)

Last weekend, my Mom and Pat's Mom came to Columbia and we had a nice girls day out! We went to finalize all the baby furniture for her room! So exciting. My Mom bought the crib for us and had it at her house, so she brought it to our house since she was making the trip to CoMo. Pat's Mom bought the changing table for us, which is totally awesome - more on that in a minute. My Dad bought us a toy chest and a bookcase for her room, too. So, Baby Hanson has furniture! Yipee :)

By the way, there's a man in Mexico, MO by the name of Jim Stubblefield that makes AWESOME furniture. He custom made my changing table for me. All I had to do was tell him what I wanted. That's where us girls went last weekend - I wanted to check and see how things were coming...and it's coming along great! I couldn't be happier with ALL the furniture that we have picked out! The room is just going to be too cute :) We went with all black distressed furniture and we're doing pink and green for the room. I can't wait to get the crib put together and all the furniture moved in her room - I mean have Pat put it all together! Ha. As soon as we do, I will post pictures of her room.

For now, I have a picture of the crib that my Mom got us (the black one on the left) and pictures of the crib bedding that we got (the pink and green bedding in the picture on the right!) Pottery Barn Kids just might make me go broke real soon! Their stuff is soooo cute! Enjoy!

Oh yeah - I am also posting a new picture of the ever growing belly - 25 weeks now! Man, this is going quick!!