All About Ava!

Saturday, January 10

Going on 7 months now...

In a week, Ava will be 7 months old! Crazy!! She's sitting up, "scooting", eating better, and smiling ALL the time!! I've been putting her in her highchair regularly now, and I think that's helping with the whole "eating solids" thing. She's into her routines and likes when things are consistent. I guess I created that trait in her from the beginning ;) She gets a bath every night and that lets her know bedtime comes next - I put her in her highchair and that lets her know that it's time to eat! And it works for the most part. Here's our happy girl in her highchair this morning waiting for her cereal!!
The Holidays were great - spent time with family and friends, both. Went to DeSoto to my Mom's house on Christmas Eve Day and spent time with My Mom (Nana B), Jim, Zach, and My Grandpop. We had a feast 2 days in a row, played lots of cards and some scrabble, opened presents with Ava for the 1st time, and had some adult beverages too! The morning after Christmas we got up and had brunch then packed up for the long drive to Marshall. 3 1/2 hours with 2 dogs and a baby. I thought it was going to be torture, but Ava slept the WHOLE way!! Man, that was nice! While in Marshall we got to see some friends down at The Hus, hung out with Pat's family, and saw my Dad (G Daddy). Had more good food, more adult beverages, opened more presents, played more games, etc! I even got my hair done while there - Thanks Erica!! Love it! So, all in all it was a very nice holiday season. Oh yeah!! The week before Christmas we decided to take Ava to the mall to meet Santa for the first time - she did great! No crying!! And he even had a real beard!
On New year's we didn't do much - let's face it, we're parents now! We stayed home and played our new Wii - which is SO many hours of FUN!! Well worth the money! I took the day after New Year's Day off, so I had a 4 day weekend, and what did we do? Played the Wii most of the time. Pat and I already have birthday wish lists to add to our Wii fun - I would like to have the Wii Fit and Pat wants some shooting games and a gun for the Wii. :) Anyway, Robby and Rachel were in town, so they came over and played the Wii and hung out for a bit on New Year's Eve, then we made a killer dinner on New Year's Day - Filet and Lobster Tail! Yum!! It beats fighting the crowds (especially when you have a little one) and you obviously get more for your money!! I took a few pictures of Ava on New Year's and she is really getting this camera thing down! She's so photogenic!! ;) She really does pose though, and I think she knows what the camera is - so she starts smiling right when she sees you with the camera! So cute :)

That's all for now! I really am trying to make an effort to blog more! Till next time...